Sandy Shreve
Paintings, Photo Art, Poetry

Guestbook - Add a Comment

Loved working with you many years ago. Seen some of your poetry on buses. Your paintings are beautiful.
Secret - 20 May 2024
Your explorations are well composed and inspiring. Enjoy your poetry. Your website is one to repeatedly come back to and savor.
Mimi Fujino - 18 May 2024
How wonderful to have a diary from your dad, and such a lovely way to trigger your creative energy too.
Marjorie Griffin Cohen - 6 May 2024
Loved the poem today, Sandy.
Cherie Oke - 29 Apr 2024
What a grand idea Sandy, to share more of your poetry. Your feathered hands do soar! I hadn't realized you had much of your poetry on the website. Good to know we'll find more gems on Wednesdays to come!
Barbra Edwards - 29 Apr 2024
Love seeing your poetry out in the open, too beautiful to be contained by closed book covers.
Mark Hume - 29 Apr 2024
Sandy, your work is inspiring and beautiful! Who knew, growing up on the Sackville marshes that this friend of mine would have such creativity both with the pen and the brush. I am not surprised though, I always knew you would soar. Love your website. It motivates me to get my brushes back out.
Faye Patterson - 3 Nov 2022
Sandy, your work is inspiring and beautiful! Who knew, growing up on the Sackville marshes that this friend of mine would have such creativity both with the pen and the brush. I am not surprised though, I always knew you would soar. Love your website. It motivates me to get my brushes back out.
Faye Patterson - 3 Nov 2022
lively and brilliant - you are able to express so much with your art and your bending of light and colour. I do love your photographs, your painting and your poetry.
peggy frank - 10 Jul 2021
Enjoyed your site Sandy, and I am going to take more time to look at it.
Donna Wiley - 5 May 2021
Beautiful Sandy - demonstrates the breadth of your work, your willingness to experiment, your skill with composition and colour. Compelling work - there's much to explore and savour.
Diane MacDonald - 1 Jan 2021
Wow, Sandy, this is wonderful! You have an impressive body of work here both in painting and writing and it will take me some time to go slowly through it all and relish it like a delicious Thanksgiving dinner!
Diana Fairclough - 30 Dec 2020
Love Winging It and so much more. Very nice website.
Sandra Johnson - 29 Dec 2020
Congratulations! I see a lot of exploration and diversity in your work. It is inspiring to watch your development. Congratulations and well done. There is a lot of exploration in your work, both with ideas and materials..
Bev Peden - 28 Dec 2020
I love your new website and think you have displayed your impressive body of work so well. I am particularly fond of "Estranged" and its colour palette. I, too, use Artsites and find it so much more user friendly than WordPress. Many congratulations and keep painting - the oil/wax medium is very exciting.
Koya (Clare) Mathias - 28 Dec 2020
Sandy, your work is absolutely wonderful. Very nice website. Love all of it, but especially some of your photography based art. urs
Urs C Boxler - 28 Dec 2020
Beautiful website Sandy. And inspiring to me. Thank you.
Jane Covernton - 27 Dec 2020
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